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Cine Fantasma
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Cine Fantasma is a videointervention and performance series that explores the way symbolic and material structures interlace themselves with urban landscapes. Through audiovisual collages projected on the surfaces and facades of buildings either abandoned or threatened to disappear, it searches for the significance and importance of the memory that constitutes a local identity. Instead of a nostalgic perspective, it explores the outputs of the montage and projection of images, not based on the spectacle or...[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Cine Fantasma is a videointervention and performance series that explores the way symbolic and material structures interlace themselves with urban landscapes. Through audiovisual collages projected on the surfaces and facades of buildings either abandoned or threatened to disappear, it searches for the significance and importance of the memory that constitutes a local identity. Instead of a nostalgic perspective, it explores the outputs of the montage and projection of images, not based on the spectacle or consumption logics, but on the notions of community and belonging.

Performances (1)

Membri (3)