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AVmixer + Giphy API = GIF VJ

  • Project showcase
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AVmixer + Giphy API = GIF VJ
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] VJ Fader will present his VJ Software AVmixer with new feature to search and mix GIF animations during a live performance. The GIF format has been around since the early days of the internet, long before YouTube, Twitter and Facebook had existed. Today in 2018, GIFs are more relevant than ever! They serve as a quick way to share and communicate social memes. We will discuss the importance of GIFs as a source material for VJing and how to harvest this vast pool of content through Giphy API.

AVmixer Pro is a three channel video mixer with real-time effects specially designed for live visual performance at concerts, dance parties, and corporate events. It has a simple yet powerful user interface that resembles the traditional DJ mixing software. />

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Projector with HDMI connection
Speakers and Microphone

  • Project showcase


VJ Fader
VJ Fader

Germany Berlin


LPM 2018 Rome
LPM 2018 Rome
07 // 10 giugno 2018