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Augmented Ecologies

  • AV Installation
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Augmented Ecologies
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Augmented Ecologies is a performative, interactive installation that takes the form of a biotechnological interface for the manipulation of sound and video. The performer operates an interface consisting of living plants and integrated sensors to affect an algorhythmic projection and generative soundscape through various tactile and kinesthetic conditions (movement, touch, light and shadow). The soundscape, projection, plants and technology are seen as a continuum, an organism with which the perfomer enters in conversation.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

2.1 speaker setup, projector, projection screen, theatrical spotlight, living plants, arduino mega, various sensors are the basic elements of the installation. MaxMsp and Jitter are used to interface with arduino and to generate video and sound based on input data from the sensors.

  • AV Installation



Italy Roma


Video (1)