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collage d'ombres

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
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collage d'ombres
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Shadow collage is an audiovisual performance completely generated in real time, developed by Aude François, video artist, Servando Barriero musician and programmer and Christian Sonntag, accordion player.

On a glass surface, covered with semi transparent paper, a web-cam captures the video feedback, of series of illustrations manipulated, animated and synchronized to the sounds of the accordion (via a pure data patch). The instrument passes into audio filters, transforming the textures, combined with various atmospheres of field recording.

This performance transports the viewer in a visual game, a floating narration where figures, forms and textures experience an aesthetic metamorphosis. The piece articulates a corpus of different illustrations extracted from children's book, recomposed as animated patterns and forms.

During 30 minutes the trio composes a video and sound performance generated in real time, combining acoustic and experimental atmosphere, searching to blur the reality of those pieces of paper strapped out of a book.

The interaction between the moving images and the sounds is processed via a synesthesia, analyzing the influence of the music on a real time feedback live video content.

The illustrations turn into shadows articulated in a floating story, abstracted from its original context, transforming the prints into moving images and patterns, leaving the manipulation process visible to the viewer.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Collage d'Ombre

Realtime Audiovisual Performance

by Aude Francoise, Servando Barreiro & Christian Sonntag

all generated in real time, audio on accordion + sound scape passing in live synchronized with video collage realized on glass surface, interacting with audio signal via pure data, soundscape poetry, audio visual project, experimental, maybe intressting

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



France Paris