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Cuerpos del subsuelo / Underground Bodies

  • AV Performance
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Cuerpos del subsuelo / Underground Bodies
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Cuerpos del subsuelo

Breathing in the Underground means stop pretending and trying to 'be somebody' is simply to survive our own life, leaving the labels; sink into that loam is assuming our dismember body to finally decide to rebuild a mundane reality itself. In the depths of self-deprecation is the strength to resist ...

Audio and basic lighting

Projector 2500 ANSI lumens

minimum dressing room
Respirar el Subsuelo significa dejar de intentar y pretender 'ser alguien', es simplemente sobrevivir a nuestra propia vida, abandonar las etiquetas; hundirse en ésa suciedad es asumir nuestro cuerpo destazado para finalmente decidirnos a reconstruir una realidad terrenal propia. En lo más profundo del autodesprecio se encuentra la fuerza para Resistir ...

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Audio and basic lighting

Projector 2500 ANSI lumens

minimum dressing room

  • AV Performance


Sensodanza Experimental
Sensodanza Experimental

Mexico Mexico City


LPM 2013 Mex
LPM 2013 Mex
venerdì, 25 gennaio 2013

Video (1)