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  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] « Iamacumia » is the meeting point of JJ fresh de brie's visual experimentations and the CHANMAX sound project.

Iamacumia = 1 DJ + 2 VJs

First step : Gleaning sound // images

Second step : Mixing sound // Creating visual landscapes

Third step : modeling everything

Final : in each audience his own reality

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

"Iamacumia" requires digital sound diffusion (stereo speakers 2 XLR or Jack outputs) and two video projectors (connected with various

length VGA cables, 10 meters longs at least, depending on the space available) displaying the two vj-live-mix on two black screens or directly
casted on walls (depending on space properties)

Our technical requirements are obviously manageable on demand and can be easily adapted according to spaces and technical obligations.

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics


JJ Fresh de Brie
JJ Fresh de Brie

France Nancy, Lille


LPM 2017 Amsterdam
LPM 2017 Amsterdam
19 // 18 maggio 2017

Video (2)