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Idiotbox - New Age Internet Perspectives

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
Idiotbox - New Age Internet Perspectives
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] Art is art, regardless of genre. Humans are humans, regardless of gender.

Today’s world is obsessed with definitions. We prescribe multiple prefixes and suffixes to new sub-genres of music, and we introduce arbitrary terminology to define personal gender and sexuality. These cultural and social tendencies are linked, both caused by humanity’s predisposition towards organisation through linear spectrums; but it is unhealthy for people to have new categorizations enforced on them as a result of ‘not fitting in’ with a commonly accepted field. Terms like ‘outsiders’ and ‘anomalies’ are being used to define people who should just be considered as themselves.

I am exploring how to represent these ideas of definition, humanity, and identity, through creative means; by blurring borders and viewing project concepts through non-linear perspectives. To this end, I am developing an original method of synchronizing my live manipulation of audio and visual elements.

The visual aspect - the aspect to be presented at LPM - involves manipulating .gifs through the new "gifSlap" software. This software is incredibly versatile, especially when it comes to blurring the definition of source material. The source material itself will also reflect the relevant ideas of definition-escapement and the forming of identity through such escape.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Access to a projector + appropriate projection space behind/around musician.

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



United Kingdom Manchester


LPM 2016 Amsterdam
LPM 2016 Amsterdam
12 // 11 maggio 2016