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MUM A/V Generators

  • AV Performance
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MUM A/V Generators
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] MUM A/V Generators

MUM stays for Manned and Unmanned, an expression taken from the Army and used to designate those vehicles that are driven or not by humans: here refers to those low tech electronic devices of common use that enter in the production - and reproduction - of sound and images, both analogical and digital.

Many elements concur in it :

1) the RUDIMACHINES - an electro acoustical set of musical sculptures made up of recovered materials such as old wine barrel staves, former chocolate Easter eggs, moulds, abandoned bicycles gears, obsolete hand-drills, etc. (This is the harmonic and human driven section of the "band").

2)The FIREFLIES - insectlike analogical photovoltaic ROBOTS that move, play, produce rhythm and project iridescent highlights: dressed up in dark silicon panels they absorb energy directly from the light giving it back as Rhythm, Sound, Music. Dancing upon amplified surfaces these frenzy restless creatures endlessly beat their own inner rhythm, thus providing a random base for the live performance.

3) a live camera and a dvd reader intermingling their signals.

4) pedals, loopers, hacked and selfmade hardware

My proposal consists of a musical installation with up to 4 robots, that produce each one a different sound: they may keep going on for hours, until the light feeds them. At given times, I shall play the musical sculptures following the rhythmic pattern set up by the robots, with a duration of about 20 to 50 minutes.

Meanwhile a flow of intermingling images - both live and recorded - will be projected over the whole stage: the random mix of rhythm, sound and light effects will alter the audience's perception of reality, creating a drug-free (natural high) psychadelic experience.

The work is thus based on three improvised patterns: the random rhythm from the robots, the random mixing of two different video sources and the sound from the musical sculptures that will change accordingly to the artist’s mood.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario


A stage with P.A. system or any dark room with A/C main supply. Minimum size requirements: 3 square meters.

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ( requirements needed on site)

Audio power amplification system

1 monitor

1 video-projector with rca input 1000 lumen

1 table 1x1.5 m.

2 audio Left/right inputs to connect mixer (supplied by the artist)

Multiple plugs for A/C source (10 slots)

  • AV Performance


Rudi Punzo
Rudi Punzo

Italy Piedmont


LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting
LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting
lunedì, 23 maggio 2011

Video (1)