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Raping the Earth

  • AV Installation
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Raping the Earth
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] “Raping the Earth” (audio/video, 2022)
Over the last year, this work has been shown at the exhibitions in Paris, Berlin and Kaliningrad, and later on subsequently premiered online, as an official music video for the track Zombacter by HUREN released on Furanum Records
Visual sequences with the scenes of violence, accompanied by harsh industrial sound express the disturbing message of the work: “When they are raping the Earth, it hurts.”

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

- Sound system
- Projector
- Wall for projection.

Cosa portano gli artisti


  • AV Installation


Natalia Golubenko
Natalia Golubenko

Germany Berlin


LPM 2023 Münster
LPM 2023 Münster
13 // 16 aprile 2023

Video (1)