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  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
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Scoreline è una performance solista di live cinema.

L’attrezzatura per realizzarla prevede un proiettore 16mm, strumento usato per la diffusione visiva e sonora che consente un' esplorazione del dispositivo cinematografico che ignora le strategie tradizionali per creare un evento live dinamico.

Il risultato è una coreografia della creazione, che passa, tra le altre cose, anche attraverso la distruzione e decostruzione.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Scoreline is a solo film-sound performance. 25 minutes.

A dark space (the darker the better)
A screen or white wall.
An open space in front of the screen – for mobile version, see below.
1x Eiki 16mm projector (with sound, focus and stop lever functioning) model can be RT, RM, NT etc… not a slot load machine. Spare lamp and drive belt .
D.I. box for optical sound output from projector to mixer
1x P.A. with full dynamic range (subs etc)

Greg Pope to supply :

Mixer –small local mixer with L+R out to go into main mixer
16mm film material for loops
2 x 16mm daylight spools
1 x film scratch devices
4 x contact microphones (– for input to mixer)
Rotary tool kit for manual film manipulation.
1 x 16mm splicer.
Guitar pick ups (input to mixer)

The Set Up depends on the space.
I can do a static version - the projector on a table in the middle of the audience, or in front. I have can do a mobile version which requires a work trolley (if available, see pic) , then I mount the projector + mixer etc on the trolley and move it through the audience.
This is the best version and requires long sound and power cables to the trolley.

Equipment: 16mm projector, black film, contact mics, guitar pick-ups, engraving tools, , loop station, hobby grinder, scratch board, mixer, amplification, unspecified local materials.
Idea: The film projector as an instrument for visual and sonic broadcasting, an exploration of cinematic apparatus, ignoring traditional strategies to create a dynamic live event.
Outcome : Texture and noise. A choreography of creation through destruction, amongst other things.

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics


Greg Pope
Greg Pope

United Kingdom London


Live Cinema Festival 2016
Live Cinema Festival 2016
venerdì, 09 settembre 2016