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Vj Ovideo y su Opendesktop

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
Vj Ovideo y su Opendesktop
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] “VJ O'video y su Opendesktop” is a digital artistic performance.

It's  collage of fixed and moving images with digital brushes. It's the result of an investigation over the possibilities to unify different applications to manifest an idea or an artistic creation translated to a
V-jing realm.
The manipulation of this open system, the fusion of static images and in movement works as a live act and opens the possibilities to a digital gestural expression. One of the objective of the project is to open the act of creation trough art and technology to people. Showing a different format to rise the interests towards the use of new tools for the artistic creation and raise the creativity.
It's important to underline the simplicity and functionality of the interface. During the investigation I realized how the possibilities are much more opened then I thought at first.

Durata (minuti)


Ciò che è necessario

Two video proyectors, 2 Vga Wires, 4 electricity entrance, table 1mt x 1mts, chair.

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics



Spain Barcelona