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[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] s.Saleh Kazemi

Born: 26.05.1992
Birthplace: Teheran, Iran

He started analogue photography in 2008
and in 2010 he began working also with digital cameras. He travelled in some important cities of Iran, Turkey, Italy and Germany and during this time he practiced Documentary, Landscape, Abstract and Steel life photography.
Since 2011 he is professionally involved in jewelry photography and actually he is working with three goldsmith in Rome.
Also in 2012, he had a documentary photography and installation exhibition
called “The Tired Presence...
[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] s.Saleh Kazemi

Born: 26.05.1992
Birthplace: Teheran, Iran

He started analogue photography in 2008
and in 2010 he began working also with digital cameras. He travelled in some important cities of Iran, Turkey, Italy and Germany and during this time he practiced Documentary, Landscape, Abstract and Steel life photography.
Since 2011 he is professionally involved in jewelry photography and actually he is working with three goldsmith in Rome.
Also in 2012, he had a documentary photography and installation exhibition
called “The Tired Presence of Objects” in Rome.

As a child, he started steel life drawing and from 2007 he practiced figurative drawing.
After some courses of pencil and graphic drawing he gained interest in line design with rapid pen on paper.
The artists that inspired him most were Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt.

While he was working on drawing and photography, he became interested in graphic design.
Arrived in Italy in 2010 he began to study bachelor of Graphic in Fine Art Academy of Rome.
During this time he worked as graphic designer for some companies and stores in Rome.

Performances (1)