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[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] STENDEK is an audiovisual project from Poland, made by Maciej Wojcieszkiewicz.Maciej has just completed an MA Deegre in the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk.Styles like ambient, minimal and IDM are his inspirations.His Live Performances include visualisations made by himself and other video artists. He has released his first and second EPs for Equaliteq and Phatt netlabels. He co-operates with Qunabu netlabel which has released his last work named "Qunabu EP".Stendek also co-operate with Stylon...[Testo disponibile solo in inglese] STENDEK is an audiovisual project from Poland, made by Maciej Wojcieszkiewicz.Maciej has just completed an MA Deegre in the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk.Styles like ambient, minimal and IDM are his inspirations.His Live Performances include visualisations made by himself and other video artists. He has released his first and second EPs for Equaliteq and Phatt netlabels. He co-operates with Qunabu netlabel which has released his last work named "Qunabu EP".Stendek also co-operate with Stylon Group and WEF ( Warsaw Electronic Festival ). His tracks have appeared on albums named "New Waves 2009" and "One Small Step", recorded by Warsaw Electronic Festival.

Crews (1)



  • 1 AV Performances
  • 1 Footage